Keep Nosara Cool
About five years ago Nosara reached a tipping point regarding our main road (aka “The 160”). The area had grown, and the increased traffic made the dust in the dry season and the potholes in the rain season insufferable. Even the longtime naysayers of blacktop could not deny that it was time for pavement for…
New Capital Gains Tax in Costa Rica
July 1, 2019 will be ‘A Date Which Will Live in Infamy’ in Costa Rica. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration. There was no sneak attack by foreign invaders and FDR may have had slightly graver circumstances (Millennials: Google December 7, 1941 if you’re not following this…). This is the date that…
Vacation Rental Homes
Nosara is a tourism based economy. As you probably know, many of the homes in Playa Guiones and Playa Pelada are rented out weekly to tourists coming from all over the world, but primarily from the US, Canada and Europe. While full time residents have certainly made a splash in Nosara over recent years, there…
How to calculate CLOSING COSTS in Costa Rica
Purchasing property in Costa Rica is somewhat similar to places like North America and Europe, and there are some practices to which you may be unaccustomed. One such example is that in Costa Rica, a licensed Costa Rica Attorney (who is also a Notary) must represent both the buyer and seller. It is more common…
Get to know “The Project” in Nosara
The majority of real estate transactions in the Nosara area happen in the American Project (aka Proyecto Americano). The ‘Project’ began development in the early 1970’s and encompasses Playa Pelada, the northern third of Playa Guiones, and goes east where it meets the town of Nosara and the reserve behind the Las Huacas community. Of…
Tips for Selling Your Land or House in Nosara, Costa Rica
Let’s face it, it’s rewarding when your smart real estate investment pays off and you sell a property for a profit. You are happy, your buyer is happy and everyone walks away a winner. If you are a seasoned real estate investor you also know that there are all types of obstacles that can turn…
Top 10 Things to Consider Before Buying Property in Costa Rica
Buying property in Costa Rica is relatively easy when compared to other popular vacation and retirement destinations around the world. In fact, the entire process of purchasing a property in Costa Rica can sometimes take less than one month. This shortened buying cycle comes in handy for both the buyer and seller… but before you…